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Hydraulic Testing

Services - Testing


Pioneer Parts Rebuilding has been providing hydraulic pressure testing in Prince George since 1977 for hydraulic valves, pumps, and motors. Backed by a 350 horsepower variable frequency drive test bench, we are capable of testing a wide range of hydraulic pumps and motors.
Each repair is thoroughly tested before it is shipped to ensure against leaks and to guarantee function. Pumps and motors are set to OEM specifications to reduce downtime in the field as much as possible.

While we extend this testing to the public as a separate service, there is a general understanding of what to expect from a test.

All units sent in must be properly plugged off to avoid water and or dust contamination. If the unit has been disassembled and reassembled, bolts must be retorqued to proper spec and marked.

If the goal is to confirm a unit's internal condition for any purpose, then a thorough disassembly and inspection is recommended instead to properly gauge the condition of the unit’s parts. Units that are sent into our shop for "test only" are not covered by any warranty regardless of the result, nor are there any guarantees other than the data provided on the test report.


The provided test report outlines the basic functions and settings of a pump or motor. It graphs the fundamental performance of the unit to illustrate the relationship between pressure, flow, horsepower, and efficiencies.

This test confirms whether or not a unit is able to perform its required functions, as well as allowing us to confirm the initial settings and enabling the ability to set new ones (such as shift point, margin pressure, relief pressures, horsepower setting, etc.).


In order to avoid contaminating our test bench with foreign material, we may take the liberty to do a preliminary partial disassembly of the unit only to ensure that there are no contaminants inside if we suspect the unit may require it. If the unit clears our preliminary inspection, we will proceed with the test. If the unit does not pass this stage, we may contact you with the next steps to move forward.

Get in touch with us if you are looking for hydraulic pressure testing in Prince George.

Test Results and Graphs

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